We all know that person who seems to have it all together. They've got the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect life. And while we might not like to admit it, sometimes we can't help but compare ourselves to them and wonder why we can't be as happy as they are.

But what if we told you that there's a country out there that's even happier than that person? A country where people focus more on what makes them happy and less on looking successful. A country where spending time in nature is a priority and trust is a core value.

That country is Finland, and in this blog post, we'll be exploring some of the lessons we can learn from the happiest country in the world.

Happy > Successful

In today's society, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of success. We are constantly bombarded with images and messages telling us that we need to achieve certain things in order to be happy and fulfilled.

However, this way of thinking is actually harmful and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. Instead of chasing after an arbitrary idea of success, we should focus on what makes us truly happy.

The first step to true happiness is to set our own standards, instead of comparing ourselves to others. We all have different things that make us happy, so it doesn't make sense to compare our lives to someone else's. By definition, there will always be someone who has more or less than us.

What matters is that we are content with what we have and are living our best life. When we focus on our own happiness, we can start to let go of the comparison trap and find true joy and satisfaction.

Spending time in nature 

We all know that spending time in nature can be good for us – but did you know that it can actually increase our vitality, well-being and sense of personal growth?

In Finland, one of the happiest countries in the world, people have a strong connection to nature. In fact, the Finnish government has a policy of ‘everyman’s right’ which gives everyone the freedom to roam freely in nature.

So what can we learn from the Finns? Well, for starters, we can find ways to add more greenery into our lives. This doesn’t necessarily mean going on hikes or spending hours in the forest – although that would be great if you have the time! – but simply adding a few plants to your home can make a difference.

Not only will this help you to feel more connected to nature, but studies have shown that being around plants can improve our physical and mental health. For example, they can help to reduce stress levels, improve air quality and even boost our mood.

So next time you’re feeling down or stressed, try spending some time surrounded by nature – you may be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards!

Building trust. How can you show up for your community? 

Building trust is essential for any community to function. It's what allows us to cooperate with others and feel safe in our environment.

In Finland, trust is a cornerstone of society. The government has a policy of 'open data', which means that all information held by the state is available to the public. This builds transparency and trust between the government and its people.

We can learn from the Finns by being more open and transparent in our own lives. We can show up for our community by volunteering or participating in local events. We can create more trust by being honest and fair in our interactions with others. And we can support policies that build upon trust, such as open data initiatives.

Small acts like opening doors for strangers or giving up a seat on the train can also make a difference. By showing consideration for others, we help create a more trusting and cooperative world.




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